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Powering Homes, Empowering People: A National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap

Australians can enjoy lower energy bills and more job opportunities from a unified national strategy to supercharge the uptake of consumer energy resources (CER) including rooftop solar, home batteries and electrification.

Powering Homes, Empowering People: A National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap contains new modelling detailing the huge value of CER to Australia’s clean energy transition. It also outlines the key policies needed to capitalise on this country’s world-leading uptake of rooftop solar and empower homes and businesses to embrace an electric future.

Download the report here.

Join us this Wednesday 12 June 2024 for a free webinar to unpack the Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap and its implications for Australia's energy transition.

National CER Roadmap

View the full report


Executive Summary

View the key points


Modelling the Value of CER to Energy Consumers

View the modelling from Oakley-Greenwood

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Australia needs more rooftop solar and a lot more home batteries

Australia has the highest uptake of rooftop solar in the world but it’s just the beginning of our electrification journey.

The Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan Step Change scenario describes the least-cost path to a future energy system that meets Australia’s renewable energy and emissions targets. By 2050, it recommends:

  • 4 times more rooftop solar capacity
  • 34 times more home battery capacity
  • 135 times more orchestrated home battery capacity. Orchestrated batteries do more than just store energy for home use, they trade energy with the grid.
Capacity, NEM (GW, 2009-10 to 2049-50, Step Change) - AEMO's Draft 2024 Integrated System Plan
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More solar and batteries can deliver bill savings for all Australians, but we need to get on course

We are not currently on course to deliver these levels of batteries and orchestration. With new modelling from Oakley-Greenwood, we show that missing these forecasts would risk missing out on:

  • Over $22 billion in savings for Australian taxpayers.
  • Lower energy bills for all Australians of $35-71 per year, regardless of whether they have any solar or battery.
  • Up to 3.8m more homes and businesses with orchestrated batteries, with much larger bill savings.
  • 18,200 additional jobs in manufacturing, sales and installation of CER in Australia.
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The key policies needed to empower consumers to electrify

Most policy work in CER has focussed on solving supply-side issues as rooftop solar grows. This ignores consumers’ power as the primary decision-makers. Powering Homes, Empowering People: A National Consumer Energy Resources Roadmap focuses instead on the policies and measures that empower all Australians to embrace CER and reap the benefits.

It recommends 16 priority recommendations for homeowners and small businesses, renters, public housing tenants and commercial and industrial customers. Download the report to view them all.

16 priority recommendations



  • - $100 million CER Community Empowerment Fund to support consumers to understand how CER can work for them
  • - Training program for communities and organisations to build trusted advocates
  • - Review into household and business energy futures to better understand consumer attitudes and behaviours with CER


  • - Target on Government-owned CER assets to demonstrate support and leadership
  • - Government target for the orchestration of CER


  • - National Home Battery Saver to accelerate uptake of batteries and orchestration
  • - National Energy Productivity Scheme to broaden energy efficiency schemes to include CER
  • - Encourage market-based incentives to open up new revenue opportunities for consumers
  • - Provide opportunities for renters to participate in CER and incentivise landlords to upgrade

Consumer protection

  • - Raise consumer protection awareness to improve consumer trust
  • - Expansion of the New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) to establish a national trusted protection scheme for consumers
  • - Specified dispute resolution under the role of the Ombudsman to provide consistency for consumers

Unlocking and maximising network capacity

  • - Participation options for consumers to match their choice of and use for CER
  • - Network visibility to ensure customers can actively participate and provide system-network services
  • - National Technical Standards Governance Body to ensure products and services deliver on consumer promise
  • - Nationally consistent and genuine last resort Emergency Backstop Arrangements to ensure consumers get full value from their assets