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Clean Energy Council response to the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council communique

The Clean Energy Council believes the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council (ECMC) meeting in Canberra today continues to make progress towards addressing barriers to Australia’s clean energy transition.

We note the ECMC’s commitment for Commonwealth and state and territory governments, industry and councils to respond to the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner (AEIC) report’s recommendations as part of a broader community engagement strategy.

The clean energy industry strives for best practice, with members already engaged in developing sensible and balanced responses to the AEIC report as part of the Dyer Community Engagement Review.

The Clean Energy Council continues to work with governments to ensure that policies are designed to build strong community engagement, mitigate genuine impacts as much as possible and keep the critical clean energy transition on track.

We are investing significantly in best practice through leading-edge work, including the release last month of the Leading Principles: First Nations and Renewable Energy Projects guide.

Policy measures aimed at increasing and sustaining investment in the development of renewable energy projects and appropriate design of connections processes remain key areas of work for the Clean Energy Council, currently underway with the Connections Reform Initiative in partnership with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), and we are pleased to see these key issues recognised in the communique.

The Clean Energy Council will continue to input into the implementation design of the expanded Capacity Invesment Scheme (CIS) through our CIS Expansion Working Group, to ensure this unprecedented funding commitment delivers for Australia’s clean energy targets.

Lastly, the commitment by Ministers towards establishing a clearer and more consistent regulatory framework for consumer energy resources (CER) is a welcome acknowledgement of the key role that households will play in meeting Australia’s emissions reduction and renewable energy commitments going forward.


For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Liam Straughan
Clean Energy Council Media Officer
[email protected]
+61 409 470 683