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Resources hub


Submission to the Sustainable Finance Strategy

The Clean Energy Council welcomes the Treasury’s work to create this consultation paper on its Sustainable Finance Strategy. Commitments to sustainable and blended finance will continue to grow in importance as the economic transition to net zero progresses.

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19 Dec 23

Submission on the Benchmark Reserve Capacity Price (BRCP)

We welcome the opportunity to comment on the review of the Benchmark Reserve Capacity Price (BRCP) reference technologies and provide our responses to the consultation paper’s three proposals.

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1 Dec 23

Renewable Projects Quarterly Report (Q3 2023)

It's been a difficult year so far for investment in large-scale clean energy projects, and Q3 2023 unfortunately continues that trend. Just two new projects – totalling 161 MW of capacity – achieved financial commitment in the period.

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29 Nov 23

Submission on the New South Wales vocational education and training review

The Clean Energy Council and the Australian Hydrogen Council welcome the opportunity to make a joint submission in response to the NSW VET Review Discussion Paper

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16 Nov 23

NSW Peak Demand Reduction Scheme: Rule Change 2

The Clean Energy Council and its members are strongly supportive of the NSW Government’s focus on demand response and demand shifting mechanisms to reduce demand during peak periods. The greatest opportunities to enhance the energy transition reside in the demand-side of the market, and the CEC and its Members commend the important work the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change are doing. By improving our energy performance (including demand response, load shifting and energy efficiency), we can make the energy transition faster, cheaper, smoother and more reliable.

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16 Nov 23

Briefing note to Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council, November 2023

This document includes the Clean Energy Council's recommendations for discussions to take place at the November meeting of the Energy and Climate Change Ministerial Council

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15 Nov 23

Response to the Future Gas Strategy consultation paper

With fossil-fuel based gas playing a significant role today in today’s energy mix and exports, and its extraction and use accounting for just over one-fifth of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, we need a clear national strategy for the systematic phasing down and phasing out of fossil-fuel gas extraction, consumption and exports.

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13 Nov 23

Submission in response to the Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin Approach Paper

The Clean Energy Council (CEC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Government’s Approach Paper on renewable electricity certification as part of the Guarantee of Origin Framework for Australia.

Decarbonisation commitments are gathering pace globally, and there is increasing demand for green and low-emissions products. The proposed Guarantee of Origin framework represents a landmark policy proposal, which will provide Australia with an essential mechanism to be able to demonstrate the environmental credentials of the products we produce, for both domestic and international consumption. This submission focuses on the design and implementation of a proposed Renewable Electricity Guarantee of Origin (REGO), which would be a subset of the overall guarantee of origin architecture.

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27 Oct 23