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Continuous professional development

The Clean Energy Regulator has announced a new accreditation provider. Effective 29 February 2024, Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) is responsible for the accreditation of installers and designers. Visit now to switch or apply for accreditation.
Installer Night Circle 2

Continuous professional development (CPD) ensures that the skills and knowledge of SAA-accredited installers and designers remain relevant and up-to-date with the latest changes in technology, regulation and industry best practice.

From February 2024 onwards, the Clean Energy Council is no longer the administrative body for the CPD Scheme. To validate CPD Points or accredit a Course for CPD Points, please refer to Solar Accreditation Australia.

The CPD program helps to improve the overall standard of work in the solar and battery storage industry. CPD helps installers and designers to install correctly, offer customers the most up-to-date technology and installation options, and keep them informed of changes and updates to Australian standards.

All SAA-accredited installers and designers must earn 100 CPD points annually to renew their accreditation. For newly accredited people, training is split into two categories, Core and Elective. A minimum of 60 points must be obtained from Core training. The remaining points can be earned from either category. The CEC will continue to offer CPD eligible courses, and the SAA will recognise CPD Points completed through the CEC.”


Mock up learning hub

Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is where installers and designers can find on-demand courses developed by the Clean Energy Council. This content is designed to fit in around the schedules of accredited persons so you don’t have to down tools to attend training and can keep costs at a minimum. The Learning Hub is accessed through the login area of our website.


Frequently asked questions

Can anyone earn CPD points?

CPD points are only available to fully accredited designers and installers.

I want to earn CPD points. When should I start completing my training?

When you receive your full accreditation, you commit to completing 100 CPD annually so you can start earning points straight away once you are fully accredited. Any courses you undertake before becoming fully accredited will not count towards your 100 points.